Welcome to EasyVC

We connect the innovators of today
with investors that fund for a better tomorrow.

easyvc mockup

The Network

Our global community of innovators and investors

Registered Startups
Registered Investors
Total Interactions

For Investors

Investors and venture capitalists constantly get inundated with pitches. With EasyVC's privacy-driven approach, you can discover high-performing startups at your leisure… Without the harassment. You can shop through curated pitches, create a watchlist of interesting pitches, and determine investment fit by directly or anonymously contact entrepreneurs right on the platform.

For Innovators

Is your company investment-ready? Refine, showcase, and connect with your vision. Streamline your route to investment with EasyVC. Set up your pitch for success with our Pitch Refinement process, get placed directly in front of our network of Verified Investors (angels, super angels, and venture capital firms alike), and chat exclusively with interested investors.

Our Partners

We've partnered with vested, like-minded organizations, companies, and facilitators dedicated to supporting startups' vision.

Canadian Wealth Inc
Donna Purcell
Rainforest Alberta
Inverted Ventures

The Go-To Startup & Investor Community

Made with both the entrepreneur and investor in mind. Pitching and investing made simple. Startups are supported and showcased through their fundraising journey with our Pitch Refinement technology. Investors can shop through and connect with companies at their leisure with our Venture Privacy Technology until they decide to connect directly or anonymously with the companies.

Join Our Global Investment Community
As an Investor As a Startup

The Benefits of EasyVC

Why We're the Go-To For Aligning Entrepreneurs and Investments

Anonymity for Investors

Your privacy is our priority. Discover and connect directly or anonymously with startups at your discretion.

Curated Pitches

Discoverable companies are reviewed by our Investment Analysts to ensure their pitches are investment-ready.

Secure Environment

We've integrated multiple layers of protection to ensure the safety and security of your information.

Pitch Creation

We've made it easy to create your pitch instantly with our tried and true pitch template.

Pitch Refinement

Our investor-trained Investment Analysts help review and refine your pitch get Investment-ready.

Verified Investors

We ensure investors and venture capitalists that join the EasyVC network are verified.

For the innovators, go-getters, and forward thinkers

Let's usher in a better tomorrow together.

How can we support your vision?

Contact Us

We are dedicated to aligning today's innovation with tomorrow's betterment. How can we help?